Weight loss can be one of the most frustrating aspects of health.

Most weight loss program don’t work because most people don’t gain or lose weight the exact same way.

For some, it seems no matter how well they eat or how much they exercise they can’t achieve their desired weight.
Others feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting information available, and/or that they lack the knowledge and motivation to commit to a weight-loss program.
And for others, it seems weight-gain is a symptom of aging…with no real solution in sight.
We understand the struggles you’re facing because we’ve been there ourselves.
This customized, Functional Medicine weight-loss program has helped people from all walks of life lose weight, regain their health and vitality, and keep the weight off for good.

What makes our weight loss program different?

  • Individual testing—to determine underlying nutritional deficiencies, toxicities or sensitivities that could be hindering weight-loss efforts

  • Emphasis on two types of foods to support body, mind and spirit—we call them “primary” and “secondary” foods

  • Intentional goal-setting—based on your desired outcomes and goals

  • Practical, easy-to-follow, individual nutritional advice—no eliminating entire food groups or extreme calorie reduction

  • Custom meal planning and chef-inspired cooking instruction—to ensure your success and enjoyment as you lose weight

Lose weight now

Our program is a custom-tailored nutritional system built around your bio-individual needs for maximum, sustainable results.

Get started now

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Functional Medicine: Weight Loss Webinar Program by Dr. Sentissi
    • Weightloss solution
    • Introduction: A Word of Encouragement About this Program
    • Take the First Step
    • Harmony and Healing Through Whole Foods
    • Activating Mind, Body and Spirit
    • Mindful Eating, Primary Food and The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection and Intuition
    • Nutrition Medicine: Defining Overweight / Obesity and its Solution
    • Health Issues Related to being Overweight/Obese
    • Are We Genetically Programmed to Gain Weight?
    • How to Avoid a Lifetime of Misery from Diabetic Complications?
    • How to Increase Your Metabolic Rate To Lose Weight
    • Challenges to Weight Loss
    • Protein - Natural Fat Burner
    • Fiber
    • Carbohydrates
    • Carbohydrates and Optimal Health
    • Fats
    • Coconut Oil--Good or Bad?
    • Calculating How to Increase Your Metabolic Rate
    • Aggregate Nutrient Density Index ANDI-Infographic
    • Learn What to Eat
    • Toxicity and Heavy Metals as an Obstacle to Weight Loss
    • How to Use the Magic of Body Typing to Develop Your Perfect Figure
    • The Functional Approach to Weight Loss and Exercise
    • The Functional Approach to Weight Loss and Exercise PowerPoint Slides
    • Case Study: The Functional Health Report and Weight Loss
    • Weighing In: Deepening Our Understanding of Weight Loss
    • Weighing In On Weight Loss: Webinar 58 min
    • Weight Loss Assessment Questionnaire & Treatment Protocol
    • Empowering the Patient: MSQ & BMI (presentation)
    • BMI: A Motivational Tool
    • MSQ Questionnaire
    • MSQ Practitioner's Key
  • 2
    Blood Type Elimination Diet.
    • Nutrition for Blood Type AB
    • Weight Loss For Blood Type A
    • Weight Loss for Blood Type B
    • Weight Loss For Blood Type O
    • Weightloss Program Ebook
  • 3
    14-Day Detox
    • Is Detoxing Right For You?
    • Food and Drink, Environment and Lifestyle
    • Let's Get Started--Step-by-Step Detox Instructions
    • Weightloss Program Presentation
    • 14 or 28-day Cleanse Guidelines and Diet